The Night Realm Review

The Night Realm 
By Annette Marie 
(Spell Weaver #1) 
Published by: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc.
Publication date: October 20th 2017
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy

Book Synopsis

Clio is good at all sorts of things. As a nymph, she’s great at outdoorsy nature stuff. As a nymph living in exile, she’s got the “blending in with humans” thing down pat. As a nymph living in exile because she possesses the rare ability to mimic magic, she’s had to pick up some unique survival skills.

But stealing from the most dangerous spell weavers in the Underworld? Not so much.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what she has to do to earn a ticket back home. Conning her way into the night realm may have gone pretty well, but now she’s got a new problem. His name is Lyre and he’s a sinfully alluring incubus, a dangerously skilled spell weaver, and the only thing standing between her and stealing some damn magic.

Maneuvering around him without blowing her cover shouldn’t be that difficult, but chaos has been dogging her every step, monsters hide behind beautiful faces, and Lyre keeps saving her neck even though they’re enemies. Kind of enemies? Either way, her mission is getting complicated fast, and in the Underworld, even one mistake could prove fatal.

I was incredibly impressed with The Night Realm. This book is dark, mature, mysterious, and had me reading as fast as I could. It’s definitely one of those books that you immediately crave more. Clio is a kindhearted nymph that just wants to return home. Only thinking the best of people (or Overworlders), she learns the bitter reality that everyone has secrets and agendas of their own. She is essentially exiled by her half-brother, told it is for her safety and carries out dangerous missions in hopes to return home. Despite being half royal and with no real training or responsibility to protect the kingdoms’ people, she doesn’t hesitate to protect them. She immediately agrees to a mission that is more dangerous than she knows but still doesn’t hesitate. I honestly loved her character so much and her entire growth in the book was so empowering. She’s someone that has never thought she could be important or powerful but doesn’t hesitate to fight for ones she cares for. Her instinct is kindness and despite the dangers and cruelty she faces, her kindness never goes away.
I originally thought I’d have issues liking Lyre. He seemed to be like the usual perfectly chiseled love interest that saves the day and can get a bit stale. However, despite the chiseled-ness not going away, Lyre is incredibly complex. Sometimes, he doesn’t save the day, sometimes the opposite. They do save each other in different ways though. Both inspiring change in one another, they make decisions on their own to grow. It was all very refreshing and their interactions together were sometimes comical to say the least.
The world building was amazing. I loved the intricate details and the general descriptions as well that allows the reader to create a fantastic vision on their own. It was the perfect balance in my opinion. The potential to explore the opposite of The Night Realm is even more intriguing. Overall, the pace is quite good. Sometimes the story could drift a bit as Clio is attempting to steal a powerful spell but it quickly became an exciting and twisting action packed adventure. With it’s share of tragedy and dark tones, don’t miss your chance to read this book and the ones to follow. I look forward to them!
About the Author
Annette Marie is the author of the Amazon best-selling Steel & Stone series, which includes Goodreads Choice Award nominee Yield the Night, and fantasy trilogy Red Winter. Her first love is fantasy, but fast- paced urban fantasy and tantalizing forbidden romances are her guilty pleasures. She lives in the frozen winter wasteland of Alberta, Canada (okay, it’s not quite that bad) with her comparatively sensible husband and their furry minion of darkness—sorry, cat—Caesar. When not writing, she can be found elbow-deep in one art project or another while blissfully ignoring all adult responsibilities.
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